
Maria Stylianou


Maria Stylianou is a Certified CyHRDA (ΑΝΑΔ) trainer, with expertise in scaling engineering organisations and upskilling developers. Maria holds a masters degree in Distributed Systems from the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (UPC) and the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH), and she is currently trainer at QBeat Academy, advisor at Girls In STEAM Academy, and an Engineering Leader at Marshmallow Ltd. 


“I help engineers and managers increase their impact in their organizations! I work as an Engineering Manager at Marshmallow, a scale-up based in London where I’ve scaled the engineering team from 15 to 50 engineers and engineering managers. In the past decade, I worked abroad as a software engineer and team lead and have co-founded a couple of businesses (and failed exceptionally!). What I loved the most this past decade was my involvement in academies and volunteering organisations where I coached working professionals to switch careers into tech, and taught university students the technical and communication skills they need to compete in the tech space. 

With my return to Cyprus, I offer 2 courses via HRDA (Introduction to Web Development, Mastering Teamwork Skills for Software Development teams), I organise tech meetups as a co-founding member of the GDG Cyprus, and I teach teenage girls web development as part of the Girls in STEAM Academy.”

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